Interest fields
  • Deformability evaluation by torsion, traction, warm and cold compression for different metallic materials.
  • Simulation, modelling and optimisation of classic (forging, drawing, rolling) and non-conventional (dieless drawing, orbital pressing, friction assisted extrusion, elastic die pressing) plastic deformation technologies and equipments.
  • Pressing and die sinter-forging at high densities of sintered samples by non-conventional methods.
  • New technologies and plastic deformation tools.

Course: Steel pipes: from junk iron to ultimate technology
Organised by:  Tenaris University Industrial School
                        Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
                        Politechnic University Bucharest

Relationships: University of Nottingham (Marea Britanie), Universidad Carlos III Madrid (Spania), ENEA Frascati Roma (Italia),  Institute of Graduate School at Shenzhen, Tsinghua University of China, Ecole Nationale Supérieure d'Arts et Métiers (France)
Industrial partners: S.C. SINTEROM S.A. Cluj-Napoca, S.C. Armatura S.A. Cluj-Napoca, S.C. Tehnomag S.A. Cluj-Napoca, S.C. MECHEL S.A. Campia Turzii, S.C. Tenaris S.A. Zalau, S.C. Cuprom S.A. Zalau, INTEC Bucuresti